--- 2022 ---
Info: Dutch health information is also in English. See bottom of this
--- nov 2023 ---
For repeat prescriptions you cannot call the practice anymore, but instead
- smartphone-app Medgemak
- website
- your pharmacy
In The Netherlands your General Practitioner (huisarts) should always
be your initial contact for all medical matters.
You must be registered at a GP of your choice.
The General Practitioner (GP) is the starting point in the world of health
care, treating patients for basic non-surgical problems and the best person
for most of your general health questions.
If necessary, the GP can refer you to a medical specialist at short notice.
The GP keeps your medical record up to date.
The practice is open on
Tuesday ,
Wednesday ,
Thursday and
Friday from 8 am till 5 pm.
The practice can not be reached by telephone, from 12:00 till 14:00, except for emergency
If you come to the practice by appointment, you can go to the waiting
area directly. No need to report to the assistent.
Outside office hours:
At nights from 5 pm till 8 am, in the weekend and on holidays, medical
care is given by GP's from this area at the
emergency entrance of the Spaarne Gasthuis hospital.
SPOEDpost Haarlemmermeer
Spaarnepoort 1
2134 TM Hoofddorp
They can be consulted for urgent situations only and you need to
call first.
For life threatening situations always call the emergency number 112
The GP can be consulted only by appointment.
Call the practice at
023 - 2001900 , choose option
2, to make an appointment. (option 1 is for urgent situations only)
A trained medical assistant will answer your call and note your complaints
in order to properly schedule your appointment.
The standard time for a consult is 10 minutes. If more time is neccesary
then ask for a double consult.
If you are unable to come to the practice due to illness, the GP can pay
you a visit. A visit by the GP can requested by phone before 11 o'clock.
The visits are scheduled daily between 11:00 hours and 13:30 hours.
The practice is closed for new registrations.
The practice is located in the quarter Nassaupark.
Address: Hoofdweg 865
2131MB Hoofddorp
Huisartsenpraktijk De Luit
Hoofdweg 865
2131 MB Hoofddorp
Tel.: 023 - 2001900, gives options menu:
choose 1, for urgent situations
choose 2, for the medical assistent
Email: assistente @ praktijkdeluit.nl
To meet the need for reliable and ready at hand health information, the
NHG (Dutch College of GP's) and
H4i (Healthcare for internationals) joined forces to make Dutch health information accessible in English.
The Dutch website Thuisarts.nl, which has 5 mln visitors every month, served
as base for the newly created
GPinfo.nl . All information is based on Dutch healthcare practices and adapted to
the concerns of internationals.
For more information goto
or goto
or goto
SPOEDpost Haarlemmermeer
All information that you give to the GP will be used strictly confidential and stored safely. The GP is aware of his/her responsibilities to protect the data according to law and other regulations.